angular - In javascript, use object['property string']. How can I do like that in AngularJS 2? -

i have 2 objects. object {'id': 'abc', 'pwd': 'pwd1'} , b object array. b string of object property. this. ['id', 'pwd']

i want use @ ng2 component template.

*ngfor(#str of b)    {{a[str]}} 

but not working.. how can javascript? ng2 using {{}}.

i don't know how can use javascript!

++ edit vote..

template: '<tr *ngfor="#str of b">     <th>{{str}}</th>     <td>{{a[str]}}</td> </tr>'  export class @@{     = [{'id': '1', 'pwd': 'pwd1'}];     b = ['id', 'pwd']; } 

i use that. don't showing values. how can do???

the following code works me:

@component({   selector: 'my-app',   template: `     <div *ngfor="let str of b">       {{a[str]}}     </div>   ` }) export class app {   = {'id': 'abc', 'pwd': 'pwd1'}   b = ['id', 'pwd']; } 

see plunkr:


be careful use ticks if want define string on several lines (and not single quotes). in case template attribute of component.


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