javascript - Not able to pass ng-repeat value into custom directive from table? -

i want pass ng-repeat value table directive, not working. in custom-elememt directive, want pass ng-repeat value it, not take ng-repeat value. if try same thin in div working, why not able pass ng-repeat value customer directive table.

not working

<tbody ng-repeat="entry in entries track $index">     <tr>        <td>  {{ }}></td>        <td>{{ }}</td>     </tr>     <products-table products="entry.products"></products-table> </tbody> 


<div ng-repeat="entry in entries">     <products-table products="entry.products"></products-table> </div> 

please find demo

put directive within table cell.

<tbody ng-repeat="entry in entries track $index">     <tr>         <td>             <products-table products="entry.products"></products-table>         </td>     </tr> </tbody> 


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