Python 2.7 - How to compare two image? -

in python 2.7, want compare 2 image same, how this? please show me step step. thanks!

there many ways do. using opensource library, opencv, scikit learn, tensorflow.

to compare 2 images, can template matching in opencv

import cv2 import numpy np matplotlib import pyplot plt img = cv2.imread('img.jpg', 0) img2 = img.copy() template  = cv2.imread('img2.jpg', 0) w, h = template.shape[::-1] methods = ['cv2.tm_ccoeff', 'cv2.tm_ccoeff_normed'] meth in methods:     img = img2.copy()     method = eval(meth)      res = cv2.matchtemplate(img, template, method)     min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minmaxloc(res)      if method in [cv2.tm_sqdiff or cv2. tm_sqdiff_normed]:         top_left = min_loc     else:         top_left = max_loc      bottom_right = (top_left[0] + w, top_left[1] + h)      cv2.rectangle(img, top_left, bottom_right, 255,2)      plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(res)     plt.title('matching result'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])     plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(img,cmap = 'gray')     plt.title('detected point'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])     plt.suptitle(meth) 

or histogram comparison

import cv2 import numpy np  base = cv2.imread('test4.jpg') test1 = cv2.imread('test3.jpg') test2 = cv2.imread('test5.jpg')  rows,cols = base.shape[:2]  basehsv = cv2.cvtcolor(base,cv2.color_bgr2hsv) test1hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(test1,cv2.color_bgr2hsv) test2hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(test2,cv2.color_bgr2hsv)  halfhsv = basehsv[rows/2:rows-1,cols/2:cols-1].copy()  # take lower half of base image testing  hbins = 180 sbins = 255 hrange = [0,180] srange = [0,256] ranges = hrange+srange  # ranges = [0,180,0,256] ranges=none   histbase = cv2.calchist(basehsv,[0,1],none,[180,256],ranges) cv2.normalize(histbase,histbase,0,255,cv2.norm_minmax)  histhalf = cv2.calchist(halfhsv,[0,1],none,[180,256],ranges) cv2.normalize(histhalf,histhalf,0,255,cv2.norm_minmax)  histtest1 = cv2.calchist(test1hsv,[0,1],none,[180,256],ranges) cv2.normalize(histtest1,histtest1,0,255,cv2.norm_minmax)  histtest2 = cv2.calchist(test2hsv,[0,1],none,[180,256],ranges) cv2.normalize(histtest2,histtest2,0,255,cv2.norm_minmax)  in xrange(5):     base_base = cv2.comparehist(histbase,histbase,i)     base_half = cv2.comparehist(histbase,histhalf,i)     base_test1 = cv2.comparehist(histbase,histtest1,i)     base_test2 = cv2.comparehist(histbase,histtest2,i)     print "method: {0} -- base-base: {1} , base-test1: {2}, base_test2: {3}".format(i,base_base,base_test1,base_test2) 


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